Wednesday 17 September 2008

Swan Lake


Benjamin Madison said...

It's extraordinary how it really does look like a ballet. Wonderful capture.

Thanks for your kind remarks on my photos. Praise from photographers of your caliber is very encouraging.

Eki said...

I like how those swans seem to converge into one point: the lake.

Unknown said...

Quite a bunch of swans!
Lago Maggiore photo from yesterday post is awesome!

Ann said...

How beautiful. Thats something I don't see where I am.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Delicate and finely balanced. Sans are beautiful birds to photograph.

Virginia said...

Let me gather the grandchildren and some bread. We will be right there!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks for your kind comments, Benjamin!!

Thank you for visiting, Eki Akhwan!!

Thanks for visiting and for your coments, JM!!

These are only a small part of the swans we have here, Ann!!
They seem to come all to this area of the lake here, especially towards winter. Probably the water is warmer.

Thank you, Babooshka!!

We wait for you here, Virginia!!
You are always welcome.

Sharon said...

Perfect title for this photo.

Anonymous said...

excellent capture. maybe they are demonstrating for more food or quietness

stromsjo said...

I wonder what those guys are chattering about.

Laurie Allee said...

This is so lovely. Benjamin is right -- it does look like an actual ballet.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Yesterday's island is where I want to go!!!!

Fredrik said...

I smell a conspiracy...
Great photo, well done!

Julie said...

They are so gloriously white. I love the many and varied curving necks.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks, Sharon!!

They were begging for food, Evlahos, and when they saw that there was no food available, they returned quite annoyed to the waterfront.One even hissed to me and bit one of my shoes.
They are beautiful creatures but very big and unpredictable.

Thanks for your visit and your comments, Per!!

Thank you, Laurie!!

The island is waiting for you, Nathalie!!

Thanks, Fredrik!!

Thank you too, Julie!!

Olivier said...

belle réunion.