Wednesday 10 September 2008

Before the sun goes down

It is relaxing strolling along Friedrichshafen's lakeside before dinner.


Anonymous said...

indeed a great view for relaxing. excellent capture

Julie said...


I wish I had your patience to hang around until everything is just the way you want it. You know - this is not a bad photograph, Diederick.

Friederickshafen really turned on the stormy skies for you. Selim caught the fear that the power of the sky arouses in us whereas you have caught the awe that the beauty of the sky arouses in us.

They make an interesting contrast.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks Evlahos!!

Thank you Julie!!
I like the way you compared the two interpretations of the stormy sky above Friedrichshafen.

Kitty said...

very nice! Not easy to get this kind of photo with the light. Bravo!

Jane Hards Photography said...

The light is captivating. It is so different around the world. Learning to work with the light and colours you have are immense fun. It's a split image the optomistic light underneath keeping out those forebodding skies above.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments, Kitty and Babooshka!!

Uma por Dia said...


Jerez Sherry said...

I must say, your existence looks charmed.

You paint a portrait of an inner beauty.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks, Mary Jo!!

That is very kind of you to say so, Sherry!!