Monday 29 September 2008

Where the air is clean

My 100th post


Jerez Sherry said...

amazing contrast!

Laurie Allee said...

Glorious composition and color here. Wow. I love the contrast.

Laurie Allee said...

Goodness, I just went back to have a second look and saw that this beautiful shot is your 100th post. Congratulations! Here's to hundreds more!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks Sherry!!

Thank you too, Laurie and also for your congratulations.

magiceye said...

love the composition!

congratulations on your century!

D said...

Congratulations on your 100th post.
I enjoy your blog very much.

Virginia said...

Congratulations! I just had mine on Saturday. I didn't realize we began our blogs at about the same time. I thought you had been at it for much longer. Your blog and photographs are a must see for me each day. Here's to many, many more Diederick! Your mountain top is stunning today.

Rob said...

Congratulations on 100 posts! Si, the air must be crisp and clean!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Magiceye!!

Thank you too, D!!

Thank you, Virginia and a toast to your 100 photos too!!

Thanks, Dusty Lens!!

Sharon said...

Congratulations on the 100th post. I see you celebrated with avery beautiful photo.

tr3nta said...

congrats for your 100th post... The color of the sky is unbelivable...

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sky!

Kris McCracken said...

Happy one hundredth!

This is a lovely image, do you ever climb up there?

Anonymous said...

wonderful, great choice for the 100th post!!

Marcel said...

Congradulations on 100 posts!

This photo pleads with me to once again travel to Italy for some climbing in the Alps and Dolomites. The bad news is that our idiot President has made our dollar so worthless that it now is out of our budget range to enjoy another trip to Italy for awhile. We will be back, it is just when. I do hope soon, as some of our best memories are from our 3 previous trips to your wonderful country. I just hope it before I’m too old to have the physical strength that is required for the via ferrates, and multi-pitch climbing.

Tash said...

Happy fabulous 100th post. What also amazes me is how you can describe so much with just a title. It's a great pleasure viewing your photos.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks Sharon!!

Thank you too for visiting, Tr3nta!!

Thank you, Carrie!!

Yes, Kriss!! We have the advantage of having a lot of this type of mountains at about a two hours's drive from where I live and this facilitates the choice of many different long walks.

Thank you very much, Omami!!

I visited your blog, Marcel and you have stunning places in your area as well. "Only" the climate is somewhat different! As I wrote to you, one is never too old to make the long walks through the mountains, and the Alps as well as the Dolomites will patiently wait for you here!

tr3nta said...

Is a pleasure to be added to you blog list... :-)

Olivier said...

un superbe ciel pour fêter ton 100th post. félicitation, c'est un plaisir de voir tes photos, alors bonne continuité et toujours plus haut ;o)....Champagne...

a beautiful sky to celebrate your 100th post. congratulation, it is a pleasure to see your pictures, then good continuity and ever higher ;o).... Champagne ...

Priyanka Khot said...

Congratulations on your 100th post.

The cleanliness of the air is almost visible.

Jane Hards Photography said...

IOOTH is a cause for celebration. Extremely atmospheirc image.

Hope said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I have only just discovered your blog on this wonderful occasion! Your blog is wonderful, and I plan to return often!

Tanya Breese said...

Stunning, beautiful, GORGEOUS! Happy 100!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you for yor kind comments, Tash!!

Thanks, Oliver!! Merçi bien!!

Thank you too, Priyanka Khot!!

Same thanks to you, Babooshka, Hope and Tanya!!

Kala said...

Congratulations on your hundreth post, and I have to tell you, you picked the best picture for it! A beautiful mountain scape with the sky - theres nothing more awesome than an imposing mountain standing before you.