Thursday 9 July 2009


Acropolis of Lindos
Isle of Rhodes


Olivier said...

belle photo, il est tout mignon. très beau b&w
nice photograph, it is very cute. very nice b&w

Joanne said...

So cute! :)

Dina said...

Aww, so sweet! Even a see-through bag.

Kcalpesh said...

Along with being cute this photo is funny as well as a well timed compostion! Very Nicely shot!

Stefan Jansson said...

I'm guessing the temperature was at least 35 C when you took this. Poor dog.

MrsLittleJeans said...

OMG...he is a veritable doll!

brattcat said...

I agree, great choice for b&w. Beautifully composed. And built-in 'awwww' factor.

Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Olá amigo! Olha, tens um espaço maravilhoso, lindas fotos, porém ficaria melhor se colocasses um tradutor, pois assim, seria bem melhor para entendes e comentar.



Ken Mac said...

that's a pooch with personality!

Anonymous said...

very cute photo. i love your choice of b&w.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you all again, for your kind comments.

Obrigado por seus amáveis comentários, Rosmildo! Podes comentário em Português.

California Girl said...

one cute dog and a well composed photograph

Jane Hards Photography said...

That's just far too cute.

Virginia said...

Well that's just precious!!!!