Thursday 2 July 2009

Essential lines

Isle of Rhodes


tera said...

That looks so inviting! I love the color contrast. :)

Gunn said...

Superb photo!
Superb place...
I like your blog! :-)

Kcalpesh said...

Beautiful Composition. Very Artistic & Creative!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Beautiful photograph. The human eye loves lines - at least mine does. Beyond the composition and colors I am just pulled in by the line and feel all the better for it. Thank you.

Leif Hagen said...

SPLASH! Into the cool pool we go on a summer day! Refreshing photo with great color. Grazie d'EAGAN daily photo

brattcat said...

Beautiful composition. All the elements (except for the water) are handmade and yet the impression is so organic. Excellent post.

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful!!

Virginia said...


Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, all my friends for your kind comments.

Mr. Adams, thank you for having visited my blog and for your request to link it to yours. As I wish to keep it free from links to any other kind of blogs different from the photoblogs I regularly visit, I must refuse.
Best regards

MrsLittleJeans said...

I don't know if those lines are essential but they sure are CLEAN and CRISP. Lovely shot! Mille mercis!

Rin said...

calm...I like your pictures. I followed you;) thanks.

Yogesh Goel said...

thats such a lovely photography...
simply amazing...
loved each one of them..
u r simply amazing..
keep them coming...


Amy said...

This is beautiful...

Ann said...

Stunning composition.

Rob said...

Lovely curves and colors. I trust you had a wonderful trip.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you all again! Yes, Dusty Lens, I had a wonderful holiday in Rhodes.

Jilly said...

How marvellous! Such fabulous lines and you've captured that wonderful Greek light - so clear, so sharp.

Dina said...

Oh cool!

California Girl said...

another wow shot.

Stefan Jansson said...

I like this one. Don't drink too much ouzo.

rob said...

Che curve!!

Joanne said...

I love this shot. It give the impression that the lines are never ending.

FotoMarg said...

The flowing lines of the pool and the ripples of the water work very well together. This group of photos is awesome ( the chairs and tables and the garden lighting ).