"Well?", said my daughter-in-law to my son while we walked back to the garage under the Casino through Avenue des Beaux Arts in Monte Carlo. It was time to drive home again after the one-day- holiday we spent together in the Principality. "Not even a small souvenir like this to remember a lovely day?", she asked. She took his arm and put her head on his shoulder in front of the window. "Not that I particularly like these...", she sighed, "but they are surely a girl's best friend...!" "I am your best friend", whispered my son while dragging her away from the window. "You do not need any other!"
Last photo of the Principality of Monaco series
I will be off to Greece tomorrow and will be back in 10 days time with new photos!
Take good care of yourselves in the meantime!!
He is right.
Have fun in Greece. Are you going to meet bloggers while there?
le luxe en b&w, cela rend bien.
Thank you, Dina!! No, just relaxing and sightseeing!
Thank you, Cray!!
Thank you too, Olivier!!
I have never been to Mónaco, but it's one of my dream destinations!
Oh, and by the way: your son is right! My husband, is also my best friend!
Enjoy your trip to Greece!
Paula from Portugal.
I look forward to the Greek photos !
Your son sounds like he inherited wisdom and tact.
Thanks for these adorable pictures! Enjoy your time in Greece!
Ah luxury !!!
have a safe trip to Greece !
Great shot, great story. Looking forward to hearing more of your overhead conversations.
Your blog is the first one I'm viewing since I've registered. :). We in Russia sometimes say "hope, you have a lucky leg" and I'll succeed in blogger :)
Congratulations on being a 'Blog of Note' on Blogger! Of course, you've been a blog of note in my book for a long time. I've enjoyed your posts and pictures from Monte Carlo!
I can't believe how much time I just spent viewing your blog. I was so captivated and drawn in by the beautiful pictures, I found I had to go through them all, all the way back to your first post. You are certainly gifted with the camera!
Nice blog! Keep it up! http://pixofamerica.blogspot.com
Blog of note, nice job. See my blog at:
Sooooo true!!!
How sweet!
LOL funny...he's a smart man. BTW I love the photo.
Thank you all again for your wonderful comments!!
I like your blog!
That's what I'd sometimes say too to my wife ... :D
lol your son sounds smart, quick and smart answer he gave her.
Nice photo.
Have a great time in Greece!
I could spend my whole life in the Azores watching ships and yachts! I loved them since I was 1 probably:D! Lucky you to be there:)
Your son is a quick one. I'm afraid I would have tried to rationalize my need for several best friends had it been my husband who was so clever. Very cute.
that is a truly lovel anecdote.
Fantastic !! This is so lovely..Great..Unseen Rajasthan
He sounds like a very smart young man.
You are missed when you travel, but you always return with photographic gems. Looking forward to it! Have a wonderful time.
very lovely photo.. thanks for sharing!
Your son is absolutely right! You may be interested to know, Diederick, that two days ago the police surrounded a car in Casino Square and arrested three men - they've been searching for the Pink Panthers for a while - jewellry thieves, of course. A day or so before that they caught someone trying to break into another jewellers via the roof - different thieves - and this was opposite the police station. Audacious!
Enjoy Greece - looking forward to the photographs.
Thanks, Charles!!
Thanks, Eki!!
Thank you too, Basma Awad!!
Thanks Johnny, although I was in Monaco, not the Azores, which I hope to visit one day.
Thank you for your kind comments, Not so glamorous housewife!!
Thank you, Steven!!
THank you too, Unseen Rahjastan!!
Thank you very much for your kind comments, Petrea. I hope that my new make better photos, because I still need to practise with it. Have a good weekend!
Thank you, Happy!!
Something for a film, Jilly!! My son would have loved to be there to film all this!! We'll be in touch again after I come back from Greece. Ciao!
Fantastic news to hear you are named Blogger of Note. Many congratulations, Diederick.
Well if my wife saw that, she'd definitely wait thre and tell me... "honey, that's what I'd like for my birthday or anniversary or may be on valentines day :-)"
How true! I think when I said something similar to my husband while in Monte Carlo I just got a large laugh!
A nice posting. I like your blog. Thank's.
Gosh, she wasn't asking for much, was she? ;-)
Hi...your blog is nice..i like to visit this blog. Don't forget to visit My Blog
Congratulations on being recognized as a blog of note. Where exactly is Arona, which provence?
Arona is on Lake Maggiore (northern Italy) in the Province of Novara, Lakeviewer!! Thanks for visiting my blog.
good one
Bulgari is the best.
I wish I had the type of money I could travel there... anyways.. great blog you got.. and very nice pictures :D
Just checked Blogs of Note and I see you are right up there! Yay! Proper recognition of a special blogger.
Congratulations, Blognote of Note!
Thank you all again.
Thank you very much for your comments, my friends Dina and Petrea!!
Congrats on being a Blog of Note. I do love Greece, enjoy!
Thank's you very much ;)
What a pleasure seeing your blog, which is the first one I have ever read other than the ones that my classmates are currently creating this semester. What treasures await the novice blogger!
This is hilarious! Love it!
Love the black and white photo - very classic!
Good blog, nicely done!
Good answer. Rubies are better anyway.
Very good blog!
Your son is my kind of boy!
have a great break!
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Does anyone know anything about converting income on blogs??? Im soo lost. Im new to bloging
nice picture, nice sotry and nice blog! welldone! :D
I love your blog!
just awesome photos^^
sorry about spamming, but PLEASE don't remove.
if anyone comments my blog, I promise I'll post a real, not spam comment on yours!!!
Thank You :)
This is a beautiful picture, and I especially liked the story that went with it. Both are heartfelt. Have a nice time on your trip : ].
this is the first time i am visiting and your pictures are amazing...have fun in greece!
Hahahaha your son sure came up with a clever line out of that one :)
Shawna's Study Abroad
I could swear I'd already left a comment but let me say that your photo and text warmed my heart. I think Hendrik and Simona are very lucky to have found each other ! Sigh!!!!
Of course I congratulate you on your blog award. Your photographs are exquisite and I've learned so much from visiting your blog each day. Here's to many more to come!
awwwwwww that is so cute!
Charming story! For a lovely photograph!
good grief, another world traveler. more power to you brother, I admire those that have the fortitude to face the world. may your journeys be safe and filled with adventurous fun.
i got totally excited as the name monte carlo sprang up for i was expecting something on random variables, but as the photo uploaded and i read your post, it made me to glance at your blog which i found very interesting!
Wow, this brings back memories. I was in Monte Carlo as a teenager. My aunt and uncle were staying in a house close to there. There were so many yahts and nightclubs and beaches. Have fun in your travels and thanks for posting!
nice keep blogging
Hi, I have a new blog called Bring My Name is Earl back. In case you may have never heard of the show, It's about a man name earl who gets hit by a car,gets divorced by his wife, and ends up in a hospital. He then decides to change his life by doing more good things and starts to belive in Karma. It's a very funny show that got cancelled and it would be awesome if you could please follow at: http://earlshallreturn.blogspot.com/
With enough followers and comments we might be able to bring back Earl!
That was a sweet yet funny little story about your Son and his wife. Thank you for sharing it! Kudos to your son!
The story is so well told, well done! And congratulations to your son for not letting his girfriend corner him into feeling guilty!
I'm sorry I failed visiting your blog for a while, I'm just catching up with your visit to Menton and meeting Jilly. Isn't she the most delightful person? I love her. I hope you manage to visit Avignon next time!
COngratulations for being Blog of Note last week. The same happened to my blog a few days later. A nice reward for our hard work, eh?
Enjoy your time off, I hope we get a new post from you soon. It looks like Arona Every Day is not quite daily these days... :-)
Beautiful pictures. What a beautiful thing it must have been to see.
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