Tuesday 16 June 2009


...of Hotel de Paris
Monte Carlo, Principality of Monaco


Kcalpesh said...

This is simply beautiful! Loved this shot!! Superb composition!!!

Olivier said...

simple et dépouillée comme photo, mais un petit moment de rêve
simple and spare as photograph, but a small instant of dream

B SQUARED said...

A real piece of art.

brattcat said...

I'm not certain what I'm looking at and I don't care. This is a brilliant piece of photography.

Cezar and Léia said...


Jilly said...

Oh, super shot!

cray said...

really nice:) looks like a wonder

Anonymous said...

This is really beautiful. I love the simplicity but the overall elegance that it radiates.

Unknown said...

what picture is it???

NKS said...

Nicely done. I liked it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful composition! I love it!

Please follow my blog--
www. randomweavings.blogspot.com!

Antonia said...

Magnificent, sophisticated picture! Cheers! And congratulations for been chosen for "Blog of Note" - I like your blog very much! Cheers!

Yemisi Moweta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yemisi Moweta said...

This is incredible

Nhoc.SieuWay said...

Very beatiful ;)
My Blog :D

12052 said...

amazing photography. congrats on the blog of note status =)

Helen Sitanggang said...

simple but expensive oh

Donna said...

Oh my, how extraordinary. It took a minute before I realized it is a hood ornament. Wonderful photo.