Thursday 18 June 2009

The old man and the seagull...

The park of the Oceanographic Museum,
Principality of Monaco


Olivier said...

une photo d'un autre temps, magnifique
a photograph of another time, splendid

Dina said...

It is a very nice moment you captured.

tapirgal said...

I love seagull pictures any time. This one is unique and has a lot of feeling and interest. So nice!

Coskunca said...

Hi Blognote,
Thanks for sharing nice photos, good captured man and seagull.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you very much, Okivier!!

Thank you too, Dina!!

Thank you, Tapirgal!! I love seagulls too, except that this one killed a small pigeon a few moments after I took this photo: he jumped in the air and snatched the low-flying pidgeon by its throat and killed it. The old man in the photo tried to free the pidgeon but did not succeed.
Nature, I suppose...

Thank you for your kind comments, Coskun!!

Jilly said...

Superb. I love your Monaco moments. This is one of my favourites.

glduro_marieloupe said...

What a beautiful photo! Magnifique!

brattcat said...

I don't know if I felt the tension in this remarkable photograph before I read your comment about what happened after the shot was taken, but I certainly feel it when I look now. Amazing.

Kcalpesh said...

Very unique picture!

Cezar and Léia said...

They are enjoying a philosophical talking! :-)
I loved this picture in b & w ! It is perfect and brings some nostalgic feeling!
Ohhh Monaco...Monaco! Fabulous place!
Beautiful post dear friend!
Kind regards, take care okay!

( and little Luna(from Brazil) send you purrs and love =^.^= )

Diederick Wijmans said...
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Anonymous said...

Nice photo. I like it.

Screwed Up Texan said...

Brilliant. Congrats on Blog of Note.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This is a beautiful photo, I looked around your blog and photos and I must say, you have a wonderful eye for photos, I loved all the pictures on your blog.
Great work!

Mauriccia said...

How beatiful... Reminds me of one of my favourite books:"Jonathan Livinghston The Seagull"

C. Robin Janning said...

I've just discovered your blog and am enjoying all of your wonderful photographs. So nice to see so much black and white photography.

Wolynski said...

Wow, beautiful photos.

Robin said...


Fermat's Last T-shirt said...

Lovely photograph.

J said...

I love this photograph!

Cissa Andrade said...

your blog is very interisting congratulations!
this photo is very beautiful

mika dee said...

love it! i love man the, shows soo much wisdom, makes me want to talk to my grandpa!

Oberon said...

...i invite you to join globalove think tank.

MsMama85 said...

that is a GREAT picture!! Love it... nice to be following you!!! please view my blog and leave some feedback

Hilda said...

Perfect capture of a lovely scene.

BakewellTA said...

You really have an eye for captivating moments!

Rice Candy said...

wonderful images you have here. Congrats on the blog of note.

Reyjr said...

Seagull: "whatcha lookin at mister!"

Old man: "Huh? i was thinking about my long happy life!"

Seagull: "well keep a move on old man, i have some fishing to do. yum. yum."

S.M.Theos said...

Where was this photo taken. It seems like something you would see in Greece.

Mimi said...

The picture is magnificent. Watching feel past times. Black and white - perfect for this shot. Old man and bird - unique. Greetings from Bulgaria! If you want, see:
Thank you!

Joe331 said...

It reminds me of a poem: the old man and the sea. I met it in my poetry class in college. Nostalgic.

Diederick Wijmans said...

As you are too many to thank individually, I thank you all for your wonderful comments on this photo and on the photo's of my blog. I feel really honoured that so many people are following this blog. Thank you very much again!!

Joe Renaud said...

very talented photographer... I have a friend who is just starting, i'am going to send him here to get some inspiration.

obigo korea said...

good photo I've ever seen

Lina Gustina said...

You've captured the moment successfully...

Virginia said...

Oh my goodness. This is one great portrait. Will this hang in your exhibit? It should!!! All of your Monte Carlos photos are just fascinating as always. Your son and daughter in law sound very very happy. How wonderful to be young and in love!

Forgive me for not visiting as often, I'm a little busy in France you know. I leave Sunday and you will be in Greece. I can't wait to see your photographs from that gorgeous place.
Bon voyage.

Laura & Bill Zaspel said...

Excellent shot. I love the lighting and the drama. Did you change or alter this image in anyway?

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you all again!!

Yes, Bill. I used some photoshop by cutting the photo and bringing the suit of the man somewhat into the foreground.

Unknown said...

The pristine beauty of the scene reminds the monochrome of heritage and the look of the seagul towards the old man was splendid.

CarlyErin O'Neil said...

love how they seem to be sizing each other up!

eee said...


Field of View said...

Very interesting !

ijustwannabecrazyanymore said...

am i the only person here reminded of the knife fight scene in michael jackson's "beat it" music video?

am i?

Anonymous said...

beautyfull place.its like heaven in the sea :) visit my blog

Joanne said...


Kathryn J. Beale said...

Seagull to Old Man,'What do you mean you're out of bread!!!"

On the serious side, this photo captures a sense of a soft, unrushed moment between the two, while sharing a common space together.

Clarity said...

That is a beautiful photograph, for a second it reminded me of my visit to Morocco.

I like the Hemingway reference as well.

K. said...

wonderful picture!

Ken Mac said...

this is excellent!

Virginia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
N.A.Z said...

its cool..
visit me please.more tips just for you

Anonymous said...

a great photo. i think all the photos are great. good luck with your travels! i am so envious!