Thursday 21 May 2009


Carmen is gentle and kind. Her voice is soft and her diction in Spanish is clear and distinguished. She left her homecountry 37 years ago to give her children a more secure future in the Netherlands. She assists the elderly who need her help. She smiles with grace but her nostalgic eyes seem to look beyond any horizon... towards Chili. Thank you, Carmen, for doing what you are doing.
The Hague, Netherlands


Kcalpesh said...

Nice to know about Carmen, her smile is indeed very graceful. A is a very nice portrait.

Julie said...

What a handsome photograph of a distinguished looking character. I like the strength that emanates from her.

And look at the veins on that hand. Such a wonderous sight to these eyes.

Lovely portrait, Diederick.

Ken Mac said...

a lovely portrait. You captured her far away gaze...

brattcat said...

Did you bring her that lovely bouquet beside the sink? And is that her apron on under her sweater? She is the kind of woman who knows how to give a restorative hug when it is needed, I think.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you all of you!!
She brought the flowers for my mother, brattcat. I have known her last week for the first time and she really has a wonderful personality. Yes, she is wearing an apron.

Dina said...

God bless Carmen and the Carmens of the world.
She reminds me of the women I posted about just now.
I think Carmen and your mother deserve each other.

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear friend!
She is adorable!
Many thanks for so beautiful words in this post!
God bless you all

Ann said...

She looks just as you describe her character. Beautiful and, as Julie says, strong.

Virginia said...

What a tribute to this kind soul. I know you are grateful for the love and kindness she shows your mother DIederick. Just a lovely portrait.

Jilly said...

A beautiful portrait and wonderfully kind sensitive commentary.

-K- said...

There's a really wonderful look you caught in her eyes.