Dear all, I received a message today from Monoblog (
http://izmirdailyphoto.blogspot.com) who informed me that any access to blogspot and to blogger websites has in general been suspended in accordance with the decision of the Criminal Court of Peace in Turkey. That means that bloggers there cannot log in into their own page or into any other blogspot/blogger pages for a while. He does not know how long this situation will continue and asked me to let you know about this through my blog, because he will neither be able to answer people's comments nor upload new photos.
This news brings me to tears. I am late in posting my thanks to him for the BFF award. He is dear to me. I hope the situation won't continue for long. Thank you for the notification.
Blognote, could you post this as a News item on the CDP portal? Everyone should know about it.
Also, I'd like to know if I may have permission to use this photo on my blog today. (A "yes" would make me happy but a "no" won't hurt my feelings.)
I will ask Monoblog and will let you know, Petrea!! Thanks for your kind message which I will forward to him.
I will ask Monoblog, Uselaine, and let you know!!
I'm sorry to hear this news. I always drop into his blog to check his latest photo. Tell him we are thinking of him.
Blognote, please email me through my profile. I have a proposal to make.
What is the reason for the decision of the Turkish court?
This is very sad indeed. One of the wonderful things about blogging is all the great people you meet from all over the world.
How sad this is!!! I hope normality will be returned soon.
Mister Earl, I googled "blogger turkey" earlier today and found a brief news blurb about it (linked on my blog). There was no reason given at the time, but you might try googling and see if more information has been released.
Thanks so much for letting us know. Hopefully they'll sort this out and he'll be back soon.
Hi Petrea,
I just have had contact with Monoblog: you can use this photo!!
He was very moved by the comments of all of you and I'd suggest you write to him on his blog anyway.
because this blockage should be temporary and is bound to stop and then he will be able to answer.
Diederick and friends,
I found a backdoor to connect my blog and to the others via www.ktunnel.com but this is not perfectly working all the time and I can only answer and leave comments but can't update my site.
Thank you everyone for everything. And Diederick, I don't even know what to say... Thank you from the bottom of my heart
For those of us living where this would never happen it is jolting to realize that there are places in this world where it still can and does happen. Sobering. Monoblog, hope to have you back with us very soon.
That's just appalling! I will leave a message on his blog. We take our freedoms too much for granted. Hang in there, Monoblog. We want to see your wonderful photographs back again soon.
This sort of censorship is unimgainable to us in certain parts of the world. I sincerely hope this is only tempory. A photographer such as he should not be silenced.
Thats terrible... unbelievable that a country that want to makes part of E.U. does something like that...
I just visited a Turkish page the other day. That blogger/google is being targeted is not a good sign regarding freedom of speech there.
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