Sunday 19 October 2008

Music in our mountains


Eki said...

The first thing that trikes me about this photo is the near symmetry of its composition. A very nice photo. It would be nice if you could record the music and play it in your blog in MP3 format. Would love to hear/listen to it.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Eki!!
It would be nice to record music and play it in my blog but I would not know how to do this...
Any suggestions?

stromsjo said...

Talk about composing a photo... ;) But where's the audience?

Virginia said...

I will email Eki about the music and see if we can find that out! Your photograph made me smile this am. "Oommpa Oommpa " came to mind! HA Yes your composition is grand as always. Tomorrow a visit with Heidi??? I expect to see her any minute.

Diederick Wijmans said...

The audience is behind the photographer (me), Per!!

Heidi is very busy making and selling those wonderful applepies, Virginia!!

Marcel said...

The Dolomites are one of my favorite places in the world. My wife and I have done many of the hikes and many more of the via ferrates. From the heights of the ferrates the scenery is spectacular and the history is most intriguing. Of course the food and the wine is superb too.

Chuck Pefley said...

Very cool location. The group and photo almost have a Charley Chaplin feel about them.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It couldn't have been composed better. I understand the logisitics of these images, with the audience behind,and out of view.