Sunday, 5 October 2008


Gabriella is a great friend of ours. Strong in her convictions and strict in her scale of values.
(I have preferred to portray her as the old Dutch masters might have seen her)


Hope said...

A wonderful portrait!

Tanya Breese said...

A beautiful portrait! She looks like a strong woman :)

Laurie Allee said...

Such a beautiful portrait. Strong, yes, but I see a little sparkle of humor in her eyes, too.

Virginia said...

What a lovely tribute to your friend. HEr portrait is beautiful and you seem to have captured her spirit!

I'm sorry you probably didn't get to hear Michael's wonderful Nocturne. I have to change the tune before I go to bed each night for the next day. I will play another one day soon. (That piece was perfect for the fountains)

Petrea Burchard said...

She looks strong and strict in the photo. And as Laurie says, I think she's got a sense of humor, too.

Ann said...

She looks like she's trying very hard not to laugh. Beautiful portrait of a beautiful and strong woman.

PJ said...

I think she must be a very good friend to allow you to photograph her so specifically. I find that as I photograph more and more people I try my very best to put them in the best light, literally and figuratively. Beautiful work.

Fredrik said...

There's power in this portrait, no doubt!

Rob said...

Beautiful portrait! I do enjoy this style.

tr3nta said...

Is a Great portrait...

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you all of you!!

Jill said...

A very nice portrait.

Jerez Sherry said...

She is very beautiful, and her character shows...

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Jill,and you too Sherry!!

Jilly said...

Superb portrait. She looks strong and interesting and very direct. I love women like this. And yes I agree with others, I bet she's funny.