Saturday 11 October 2008

The lighthouse... Arona's harbour


Eki said...

The composition elements, the angle, hat singular yellow light, and the bluish grey evening sky, all make for a great photo. Thanks for sharing this.

D said...

This is lovely. The layers of depth in the mist are amazing.

But, the people standing on the right are scaring me. Are they really that close to the edge?

Virginia said...

Eki summed it up for me. It's perfectly composed. D is talking about yesterday's photo and I am glad because I didn't enlarge it then but now, wow!IT looks like a vintage postcard. And yes, are they that close to the edge?
PS Your music has caused Michael to play second fiddle on my computer! I won't tell him that.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you for your kind words, Eki!!

Thanks for visiting D!! The water on the right is not that deep because only small boats can enter the harbour there. Should people fall into the water, they would be very close to the shore!

Thank you, Virginia!! I will send you some more in the next few days!

Sharon said...

Great photo. The little light is glowing.

Kate said...

This is really a mood piece...not dark, but somber. It reminds me of the light (green not yellow, tho) in the novel, The Great Gatsby, that produced such longing for Daisy. Great composition.

Ming the Merciless said...

Beautiful!! Perfectly composed and the yellow light really shines.

Pepe Alcaide said...

La luz marca el camino a seguir a través de la fotografía.

Rob said...

I could sit on this pier for hours under the light. A beautiful scene. Perhaps a bottle of Valpolicella to share with someone as we sit under the light.

Barbara said...

A walk on the sea wall is so relaxing..and your photo is perfect!

Marcel said...

It looks like a very romantic place for a stroll.

Juana said...

that an excellent photo, looks like a place full of peace and romanticism. I will like to dream with that beautiful place!!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks, all of you! As usual, your comments are highly appreciated!!

Valpolicella is not a bad suggestion at all, Dusty Lens, but here in our Piedmont region we have the famous "Barolo" wine and also a lighter "Dolcetto" which I can both recommend to you!

Marie-Noyale said...

I was going to comment on the beautiful light on the last three pictures..
Then I read your comment talking about "Barolo" and I started dreaming...
looking at this perfect vista sharing a nice glass of that wine with some friends!!!!

Saretta said...

Beautiful and evocative.

Diederick Wijmans said...

...that would be ideal, Marie!!
Thanks for visiting!

Thank you, Saretta!!

Kris McCracken said...

Yet another splendid photograph. Wonderfully moody, this would make a great poster or cover for a book.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks, Kris!!

Rob said...

Thank you fo r this suggestion! But here in my area, a good bottle of Valpolicella costs $22, (U.S.). A bottle of Barolo costs $65, (U.S.), too expensive. Please Federal Express some Barolo to Minnesota! ;)