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Yum. And they are so pretty. :)
.... is yummy
Oh dear, there goes my diet! These look as if they might be crystallised fruit - real fruit - yet they seem perhaps too uniform in shape?
Thanks so much for blog birthday wishes, Diederick. I laughed at the Rolls remark!
J'en veux ;o)) j'adore ça
che belli! this sugar bom-bom are lovely to see for the eyes
We love jellies at our house. I'll bet these were wonderfully flavored. Yum!
Great. So yummy !
Pues tienen muy buena pinta...que colores mas bonitos.
Tasty! I love these, there's a shop in Cologne's main train station that makes the best I've ever tasted.
Okay! I'd have no problem finishing those off.
The only problem, though, is that while candy is dandy, liquor is quicker!
Sweet, so very sweet. Lovely.
... delicious!
Jolly Jellies!
Aloha, Friend
Comfort Spiral
...dolcissimo! E, in questo caso, pure bellissimo!
..... sweet.
Nice and colorful photo. Yummy :-)
"Lekkert" as we would have said.
- Have a nice day!
OK! I see that you would all gladly dive into that tray to finish them in no time!
You are right, Gunn: "Lekker" is quite the right word for it!!
I do not like jellied candies, but these make for such a beautiful photo, I'd have bought some to photograph!
Las texturas son excelentes y hacen que esas frutas sean más apetitosas.
Beautiful and so colourful:) Optimistic photo:)
Exactly what my doctor forbids me. Very bad for my sweet tooth!
Almost looks too pretty to eat!
Oh, yes please.
So pretty!
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