Friday 5 February 2010

Sunlit slices of history

The "Basilica di San Gaudenzio" in Novara was built between 1577 and 1690.
The inside contains magnificent works of art of great artistical and historical value worthwhile a visit


tapirgal said...

Gorgeous building, gorgeous lighting, and an angle to make one feel something. I love it!

Chuck Pefley said...

I'm thinking I need to put your little town on my tour itinerary next fall.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Gogouci!!

Thank you too, Tapirgal!!

You are always welcome, Chuck!!

Dina said...

Such beautiful hues.

I'd love to step inside too.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo, I love the angle and the colors are beautiful!

Olivier said...

une tres belle lumiere qui tombe sur cette basilique, superbe photo

Françoise said...

Jolie prise qui donne un peu le vertige.

Mª Angeles B. said...

Muy buen punto de vista tiene esta fotografia.

Me gusta mucho.


Saretta said...

Wow, it looks like a collage of historical buildings, placed one on top of the other!

brattcat said...

You really do give us a sense of mankind reaching toward the heavens in this.

Mandy said...

Wow - this is a phenomenal photo! I love the contrast of the yellow wall to the right and the stone structure of the Basilica. The perspective is great!

Petrea Burchard said...

What a beautiful city. Chuck, you're so lucky to be going!

Jeannette StG said...

Beautiful colors in this photo. I can see that it took a long time to build this basilica -the building style does not exactly match up in every part. Hope you were allowed to take pics inside?

Virginia said...

Yes, the perspective is so interesting and of course, the light.

Greg Dimitriadis said...

Magnificent building!

Nishant said...

Gorgeous building

Work from home India

Fredrik said...

Wonderful angle and the light is just superb!

Jilly said...

Absolutely stunning. I love the way you've taken this shot.