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We should all have such simple beauty quiet historical corners.
right decision
I love the pedestrian zones in European towns. We will be coming to Bellagio on Lake Como this summer. There are no cars on its narrow walkways.
As only you could find. Lovely and quiet.
The trees each get a little hug of dirt. Very sweet.
Que bonita! un lugar precioso para fotografiar y para descansar.
This is true. When a city decides to ban cars from a historical site or corner or street, it is almost always a very good thing even for tourism!
A good example of this is Québec City, where the number of pedestrian streets in the old city grows every year.
Nice and clean place! The header picture is really very interesting!!
Pixellicious Photos
There are no cars on its narrow walkways.
Work from home India
Lovely! Some U.S. cities have areas where vehicular traffic is banned, but not enough!
This is a beautiful space!
One of the many things I miss about Germany...I loved all the little "old town" areas where there were no cars allowed!
How wonderful.
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