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The water is very still.
Is there still life in the cold water?
I do love the photo.
great place
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. But still very cold.
A superb shot from a beautiful place.
Happy New Year from your "follower number 448"
Thank you, Dina!!
Thank you too, Hyper-Minor!!
Thank you, Ann!! Yes, it is still quite cold but it makes the air very crisp and ideal for photography.
Thank you so much, Gunn White!!
An especially lovely photo
One of the most intriguing impressions is that the ships are more fragile than the grasses framing them. Beautiful work here.
That is such a peaceful image. Beautiful
Hi Diederick,
light and the shades of white are gorgeous!
This is a beautiful photograph! I would love to be there.
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