Saturday 2 January 2010

A simple landscape

Casei Gerola,
on the way back home to Arona after the New Year celebrations.


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Interesting landscape!

Dina said...

The "real world," wires and all. said...

Your photo will prompt a debate between my wife and me about whether high tension wires enhance or detract from a landscape photo. Which side of the debate will I choose? In a debate with my wife, the losing side, of course.

Lowell said...

I notice you referred to "after the New Year's celebrations" - which means I'm also impressed by how steady you held the camera! ;-)

Thanks, my friend, for your kind words! I'm back part-time for awhile, but we're pretty well settled in.

Our best wishes to you for the new year - may it bring you happiness, health and all good things!

Eleonora Baldwin said...

How come I arrived here so late?!
My apologies...

How wonderful, a place in Italy I had never heard of.

Roma Every Day

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, V Rakesh!!

You are right, Dina!!

I usually do not like these high tension structures in the landscape either, Dave, but sometimes they become fascinating at certain times of the day or in winter, especially in the evening when you can catch them in a field of snow, with a big red sun behind them, etc.

Oh...yes, Jacob! Notwithstanding what had happened the night before, the hand was steady!!

Thank you Eleonora!!
I enjoyed visiting your blog: very refreshing with the day-to-day impressions of Rome! Ciao.

Dina said...

There are high tension wires and pylons going from the top of your neighbor mountain down to the valley. When I hike up there I like to look and imagine they are really just a Swiss ski lift. You are right, in the right light they look nice.