Friday, 1 January 2010

Into the new year



Copenhagen said...

What a magnificent view.

Happy new year :)

California Girl said...

oh what a lovely light...

Happy New Year. said...

Beautiful scene. We will be returning to the Italian Lakes this summer. We will be content with your photos for what it looks like in the winter.

Anonymous said...

The light in this photo is excellent. It makes the picture look so good and wonder what kind of camera you are using?

Victor said...

Stunningly beautiful photograph. Happy new year to you and yours.

Dina said...

Wo, look at that sky!!

Julie said...

your photos of the snow in Arona are absolutely gorgeous. I had never envisioned snow where you live. You have captured such romantic and timeless images. these are postcard perfect. We are going to bellagio in may and are so looking forward to it!

brattcat said...

this image is so delicious, it's almost edible!

Virginia said...

Every time I think you've shown us the most beautifull scenes of Arona, you top it.

I must see your Arona one day!! We can only hope.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you very much, White Oleander!

Thank you too, Californian Girl!!

Thank you Dave!! You can contact me when you are in this area next summer, and I will show ou around for the day!

Thank you, Abraham!! I use a Canon G10. The light in this photo is special, because I like poiting my camera straight against the light, which often gives the effects I am looking for.

Thank you, Victor!! Let's hope 2010 will indeed be more positive for all of us!

Thank you, Dina!!

Thank you too, Julie!! Bellaggio is on Lake Como, not really so far from Lake Maggiore where I live. WHen you are in this area, let me know and I will be pleased to show you aroud for the day.

Thank you, Brattcat: I really appreciate your comments!!

You will see Arona one day, Virginia!! I am sure you will!

Saretta said...

All I can say is...brrrr! Cold, but beautiful!

Rob Siemann said...

Happy new year in the winter wonderland!

Ana said...

Dear Diederick,

I've taken deliberty of using such marvellous pic as my wallpaper....
Regards, Ana Paula, Eliana and Osvaldo's daugther.