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une photo en bronze, magnifique
Your title seems a bit harsh, but yeah ... I can see your point.
Beautiful photo.
Ooo tats not waste land thats just a place where i can take a long sleep and think all green around me...:-0
Very, very nice...
Excellent shot, fine composition and choice in monochrome.
I;ll take this waste anyday!
It doesn't look like a waste to me!
Amazing!!! Lost my words
This is lovely!
Love the colors!
Thank you, Olivier, Dina, Escapist, Bob Hale; Brattcat, Ken,Saretta, Kris, VelvetJack, Joanne and last but surely nt least, Steve!!
that is gorgeous.
I have a question, I have seen Steve Ballmer on other sites too but I assume it's someone else...?
Do you know?
That will remain a mystery, California Girl!
Thank you for your comments!!
How beautiful. Sigh
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