Sunday 8 March 2009

My cousin's house... in a late 19th century painting.
Casale Monferrato (at about 1 hour from Arona)


cieldequimper said...

Well... oddly enough my first thought was: Ireland! Very nice.

crocrodyl said...


RoeH said...

I want it! Imagine living out in nature like that. *sigh*

Vanessa Bates said...

What a beautiful view!

Sharon said...

This looks like it should be hanging on a museum wall. Very nice.

Julie said...

Your photo today looks like a painting. excellent capture. I also enjoyed your photo from yesterday. Very poetic. I enjoy your site and like following it as one of my favorites. I look forward to more great captures.

Donna j. Gehl said...

As I watch 6-8 inches of snow fall today, I can only imagine what it would be like to live there. : )

abc said...

It looks very rural and quiet and enjoyable!

Dina said...

A dream house. Good to have a cousin like that to visit.

Virginia said...

Diederick, you can't fool me. This IS a painting. I"m sure of it!! I would recommend this for the show for certain!

Miranda McAfee said...

Is there room for one more. It looks so peaceful... I want to move in.

Benjamin Madison said...

Your processing in these last three images is just stunning. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kris McCracken said...

Lucky cousin!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you all of you!!

tr3nta said...

Beautiful... It really looks like a painting...

marina vicari lerario said...

Ciao, mia mamma era di Alessandria. Sempre che vado là vado a Casale Monferrato e dintorni. Che nostalgia. La sua foto è meravigliosa. Mi piace la festa del tartuffo. Hó scritto un libbro, la storia dei miei genitori nella II guerra, proprio in questa regione, con fotografie di epoca,vedere nel mio blog, primo post. Dammi vostro indirizzo e lo spedisco (è in lingua portoghesa).

Diederick Wijmans said...

Grazie C!!

Grazie anche a te Marina!
Ho solo adesso letto il tuo messaggio, perchè sono spesso in viaggio!!
Molto gentile da parte tua: contattami sul mio indirizzo e-mail per il libro che leggerei volentieri.
Non riesco a trovare il tuo.
Sei molto brava come pittrice!

seanjonesfoto said...

initially, i thought it was a painting... brilliant work, my friend...