Friday 28 November 2008


The 2nd photo of the "Trilogy of Boats
my 150th photo


JaamZIN said...

these last three photos are really incredible!

Baruch said...

An absolute stunning capture - well done!

Olivier said...

tu as bien choisi pour ta 150th photos, elle est superbe.

you chose for your 150th photos, it is superb.

magiceye said...

this is so beautiful....

Thank you so much for your concern and good wishes.

Happy Thanksgiving.

magicpolaroid said...

ciao grazie per il commento e visita al mio blog!! questa ultima tua รจ stupenda! Saluti alla bella Arona, vorrei tornarci, questa volta con le mie macchine x alcuni scatti!
a presto, Luis

tr3nta said...

This one could go with the sun rise trilogy too... :-)
Happy 150Th

D said...

Congratulations on your 150th.
Your blog is amazing. This photo is very beautiful, very serene.

Virginia said...

How did I miss yesterday's gorgeous photo and today's is another Turner would be proud to claim himself. This trilogy is amazing Diederick. I think all three framed separately and hung one above the other would be stunning!
PS My new blog "arrived" last night. Just what I need, another blog baby to feed!HA

Unknown said...

This 2nd photo is also stunning!!! Now I don't know which one I prefer... :-)
Congratulations on the 150th post! You've done a terrific work!

Hope said...

Dear Blognote,

Your photography constantly takes my breath away! Your photos are absolutely stunning in their beauty! Today's post is just gorgeous!

magiceye said...

It is peace in Mumbai at last.
Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes.
Pray for all those who lost their lives and may God give strength to their near and dear ones to bear their irreparable loss.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks all of you! Your continuous support by visiting my blog is most stimulating!!

kalina said...

I forget about all of my problems when i look at your photos. So calming...

rob said...

Un altro scatto onirico! Da stampare e appendere!

Ineke said...

This is amazing!

Fredrik said...

How poetic! Beautiful!