Saturday 1 November 2008

When you consult your dictionary...

Theme day: Books
...certain words jump to your eyes and to your soul.


Kate said...

What would we do without books? As much as I love my computer, books are portable, smell great when new, and easy to read in bed. You selected a terrific page to highlight.

Marcel said...


Hope said...

Peace be with you.

USelaine said...

Ah, lovely.

Ann said...

Indeed. Beautiful photo, beautiful words.

Ming1881 said...

Great pic for the theme day. Two of my important type of books are Bible & Dictionary.

Peace to the world.


Juana said...

Peace !!! the word that we alls need !

Have a good weekend !!

Uma por Dia said...


Bergson said...

great shot for this theme day

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Nice shot. Simple but very effective.

Dina said...

Ah yes, I love to read dictionaries, just for fun. Yours is open to the right page.
This would be good for the Nov. 6 Blog Blast for Peace too.
Shabbat shalom, Sabbath peace to you today.

Michi - Fotoblog said...

Wonderful words. Very good idea and a very nice photo.

Jilly said...

Oh wonderful - a dictionary. I wondered/hoped someone would post a dictionary. I just love them. Can sit and read them just for the words and am sure you can too. A great choice.

Marie-Noyale said...

That creative award works perfectly today again!!
What a brilliant idea with the shadows contrast..
I am a fan of dictionaries ,once you pick it up it's hard to let go!!
Enjoy the WE

Eki said...

How true!

Words are wealth and weapons we all need to comprehend our lives and world.

Perfect choice for the CDPB theme!

Virginia said...

Hope you have a peaceful weekend rain or shine.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thoughtful and creative, that's you.

Chuck Pefley said...

Quando ho aperto il mio Inglese - Italiano dizionario ho spesso trovarmi vicino ad esplorare parole solo per il divertimento di esso.

Laurie Allee said...

This is my favorite Theme Day photo. Lovely and inspiring. Thanks for this!

PJ said...

Beautifully done, Blognote, beautifully done.

Sharon said...

Well done!

Conny said...

Great idea and great picture! especially the shadow makes it very interesting and vivid.

Mo said...

If only those that need to read those words would read them, what a different world it would be.

Tash said...

So original & a lovely thought! Thanks for reminding us of really improtant things.

raf said...

An excellent choice and message you have for us today, Blognote. Bravo! Grazie mille!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, all of you, for your stimulating comments!!