Sunday 23 November 2008

Autumn wind sweeps the lake

Lake promenade in Arona


Keith said...

Beautiful photo! So many great B&W images on your site.

Eki said...

The compositional simplicity of this photograph is so stunning!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks for your kind comments, Keith!

Thank you, Eki!!

Anonymous said...

Amo Italia!

So glad a friend directed me to your site. All pix of Italy make my heart cry with longing to return soon :-) Thank you!

As my way of 'giving back', allow me to offer you (and all who read this) a free gift (PDF) copy of my book (link below).

There are no strings or spam attached to this offer...simply my way of 'giving back' to life...

Again, thank you and do keep snapping pix of the beauty in your eyes...

take care,
Louise Lewis, author
No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!

Rosie said...

Oh, I have not been to your blog for ages... I knew I was missing a lot...
Wonderful picture today!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you for your kind words, Louise!! You seem to be back on the very right track again.

THat is very kind of you, Rose!! Thanks!

humanobserver said...

An excellent piece.....