Saturday 7 June 2008

Hysteria Lane

This little dog belonging to circus people was very satisfied after his chase.


Anonymous said...

Neat photo. What were they doing?

Suzanne said...

Very courageous - he was slightly outnumbered.
I am putting a link to your blog on mine.

Lynette said...

What a splendid photo! I know you were extremely pleased to have taken it at the exact right moment. Neat!

Ann said...

Brave dog! I could hardly see it until I enlarged the photo.

Diederick Wijmans said...

The swanns of this part of the lake have their "meeting point" there. There are usually more than 40 of them swimming around in that particular area. When circus is in town, little Ben considers that part as his domain and enjoys running and barking after the swanns, which then flee like crying ballerinas. Thanks for visiting Abraham!

Thanks for linking, Suzanne and enjoy your sunday!

The photo is not all that good, Lynette but I had to react quickly to catch that very moment.

Ben is a courageous little fellow, because I feared that all those swanns would turn against him.

Ele ^_^ said...

Bellissima foto! Complimenti anche per gli altri scatti!!! A presto ^^

Louis la Vache said...

Fearless dog! Indeed, he should have been pleased with himself!

Texas Travelers said...

Great photo. He's the Boss of the Walk.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Grazie, Ele, e sentitissimi complimenti per le tue di foto con quei colori intensi come piace a me, come ho scritto sul tuo blog.

Yes, Louis, Ben looked very satisfied with himself indeed!

His owner told me that he loves to chase everything that has feathers.
Thanks for visiting, Texas Travelers!

Rosie said...

I just love this photograph! So rich in detail...

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks, Rose!