Thursday 26 June 2008

Reading is...

... chickensoup for the mind and for the soul.
(A small bookmarket on Arona's Promenade along the lake)


Jilly said...

It is indeed. Lovely post.

Rob said...

I too enjoy reading. Excpet I spend more time with the camera than reading.

This fountain is quite pleasing, simple and elegant. It compliments the scenery without being the main attraction.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks Jilly!

Thanks Dusty Lens!! I confess that in some periods I do the same.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Reading, music, photography a must.
Your images are stunning and elegant.
I may not commnet daily but I drop by.

Steve Buser said...

Well described for a eye-popping and heart-soothing photo.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you for your kind comments which I really appreciate Babooshka!!

Thank you too, Steve!!

Jerez Sherry said...

It appears the whole place (Arona) was designed for a photo shoot! I am always amazed..what amazing sensitivities this culture has had.

Marie-Noyale said...

Straight lines and curves what a perfect composition...
This is truly a lovely picture
and under those nice tents a bookmarket !! and little treasures..

Susan said...

This is a fantastic shot!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Jerez. Itay has an enormous quantity of art-works still under and above the ground. it is known that apprximately 70% of al art treasures in the world are concentrated in Italy, of which 60% in Central Italy (Tuscany, Umbria, etc.), but we cannot complain in my part of the Piedmont Region either!

Thank you fr your comments, Marie!! Books are treasures indeed.

Thank you for your kind comments, Abu Dhabi!!