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And the rose is at its best like this i think!
Dank je, Ineke...Thanks!
I love the lighting on the rose. I'm guessing that is one happy bee!
...very happy, Tanya! Thanks for visiting my blog!
You are very blessed to live in such a stunning part of the world
I thoroughly realize this, Mark. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Just discovering your blog, I went back to your first posts - what a beautiful collection of photos!
Lovely rose here, I like the way it's highlighted by the dark background.
Thank you for visting my blog,Halcyon!
Thank you too, Nathalie and also for your for kind words!
that's a beautiful flower--i like the busy bee--and your photos are lovely to see
Thank you, b.c.!!
Fantastic shot! I enjoy the lighting here, bright isn spots, yet shadowed in other spots. busy bee adds that sense of being alive.
Thanks, dusty lens...!
Beautiful photo.
Perfect color and depth of field.
Well done,
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