Monday 12 May 2008

Evening glow

Impressive mid 17th century “Mauritshuis” in The Hague contains an important collection of paintings of Golden-Age painters such as Rembrandt van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer and Frans Hals. Especially Vermeer's “View on Delft” is stunning. Right in the City Centre, next to the Houses of Parliament...


Unknown said...

I love the colours in this picture - absolutely beautiful!

Unknown said...

(whoops - pressed 'enter' too quickly - I meant to sign myself off as Glasgow DP so you know where I came from!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks for your kind comments, Jacky!

Ben Nakagawa said...

Lighting on this particuler time slot is always giving some interesting shot. This particuler one give really peaceful feel with warm colour and quietness. It is a well composed image.