In this vertical wine-storage facility, which dates back to the early nineteen-hundreds, acoustics are exceptionally good, which is why the owning winery holds also concerts for music as well as wine lovers in this “wine-tower”...
Daily life in and around Arona on Lake Maggiore, Italy
That is lovely! I wish I could hear that piano being played.
Thanks Uselaine!
This is a beautiful photograph and must have taken some preplanning before you snapped the shutter. The colors are stunning and if the acoustics are too then it is a big winner.
I also read your post yesterday and enjoyed that because it contains the names of some of my favorite artists and painters.
You do nice work, indeed.
And thank you for visiting my blog and for commenting on it about my Rose-breasted Grosbeak photograph.
Thank you so much, Abraham!
Thank you for stopping by my photoblog.
Interesting focal point in your "Acoustics" photo, mesmerizing with the circular pattern and colors. I would think this a grand place to listen to music with some good wine.
c'est une perspective est magnifique, très bonne idée de photo de ce piano.
it is a perspective is splendid, very good idea of photograph of this piano.
Great photo!!
I would love to go there for a wine tasting and a concert. What a wonderful perspective for this shot.
Thank you, Dusty Lens! This wine tower stands in magnificent surroundings: the sunny hills just south of the River Po in Italy.
The acoustics and wines are all excellent there! Thanks for stopping by, Olivier!
Thanks for your kind comments, Crittoria!
You are right, knoxville girl! It is a great place! Thanks for visiting my blog.
I like this one with its circular look.
I like this photo very very much. Cheers...
Thanks for all your kind comments!!!
I just discovered your site -- wonderful photography!
I saw the title Acoustics, and the first thing I noticed was the shape, and thought of the chamber of the inner ear with its concentric circles.
Ah! But its a wine-storage facility. But it is know for its acoustics. Very cool!
Thanks Dan Allen for visiting my blog. This winestorage facility is still used for the storage during wine-making proceedings. I am pleased that you like my photos.
I am still in London at the International Wine Show but will start posting again from next saturday onwards. Cheers...!
Wow! I love this! Talk about spirals....whoa, it's tantalizing..! My light house stairs are nothing in comparison! but that same flavor exists of that pattern, that is compelling for some reason.
You know, I'm so glad men design such shapes as these, that must spring up from deep inside ones core. Sometimes, well most often , what we see is rigid, and rectangular ( not to say it can't be lovely) but this is joyous, and interesting, again in red...
You live in a beautiful part of the world!
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