Sunday 8 May 2011


The square where I live is finally open to the public again after 6 months of works, trucks, sand, bricks, stones and dust everywhere. I had previously published a photo (tic...tic...tic...) where the workmen worked on the pavement laying stone by stone. I had given them wine in the freezing cold winter so that they could warm themselves. The final result is stunning. I can overlook the newly made fountain from where I live (from the old balcony of the white building on the right) and enjoy sheer silence (no cars and motorcycles are allowed anymore!) and the magic lights of the fountain itself. The noise of water falling? Soft and pleasant in comparison with the noise of roaring motors of cars at all hours of the day and night. It was all worth it!
Historical centre of Arona 


Cloudia said...

pleasant indeed!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral



Virginia said...

Your description takes me right there. I'm so happy that you and Marina can enjoy this new and tranquil place.

FotoMarg said...


Crosby Kenyon said...

Very inspiring that it's sometimes possible to remake a public space resulting in slowing it all down.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Cloudia, Virginia, FotoMarg and Crosby for your comments!

Stefan Jansson said...

Glad to hear everything is finished.

Dina said...

Wow, you really lucked out in your surroundings. Enjoy it!

Babzy.B said...

a beautiful place now :)