Monday 7 February 2011

Early in the morning...

...notwithstanding the cold, I sit there to watch the colours change for a new day to start.
Lake front


Dina said...

A painting, but one that changes by the minute! No wonder you stay put and watch with wonder!

Françoise said...


Stefan Jansson said...

Always nice to see this view.

brattcat said...

oh, to live in such a place.

amatamari© said...

Really magnificent!

Petrea Burchard said...

If I can't stare at the real thing, thanks to you I can gaze at this marvelous photo.

tera said...

This has such wonderful light!

Babzy.B said...

the watercolours of the background are beautiful :)

Jilly said...

So beautiful. As Dina said - a painting - just adore this as I love all your lakeside shots.

Diederick said...

Thank you all for your comments, my friends!!

Pepe Alcaide said...

Espectacular. Esos tonos cálidos nos informan de la proximidad de la primavera.

Joe said...

Such clarity, such balance - nice photo.

Pietro Brosio said...

Wonderful view, with a great light!

olli said...

Absolutely beautiful and beautifully captured. You are very fortunate to have this view nearby.