Tuesday 25 January 2011

Paradise is...

I have no other words to describe this miracle of Nature.
Olhuveli Island


nouvelles couleurs - vienna atelier said...

che acqua... i pesci sono coloratissimi vero? sarebbe bello se riesci a fatografarne per noi...

un caro saluto da Vienna

Diederick Wijmans said...

Grazie del tuo messaggio!
Si anche i pesci sono coloratissimi che nuotano sopra ed intorno alla barriera corallina, ma purtroppo la macchina fotografica che avevo a disposizione per fare delle riprese sotta acqua, non funzionava! Perciò, dorò per forza tornarci per riprovare!

Thank you for your comments! The fish have the most incredible colours and swim along the coral reef. A wonderful sight. Unfortunately the under-water-camera my son gave me for the occasion, did not function. So, I definitely need to go back there and try again!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I know that you are enjoying this glorious string of atols... I hope that you are taking many photos to show us of this warm aqua paradise.


Dina said...

I see what you mean. It doesn't get much better than that. sigh ...

brattcat said...

Oh, thank you for taking us there. It is a balm for these cold bones and snow-weary eyes.

Cloudia said...


Please stop by today to share a special moment with me if you have the time. Warmly, c-
Comfort Spiral


Stefan Jansson said...

A bit different from the view out my window at the moment.

Gordon Leith said...

Your descriptive verse read like the opening of a new chapter in a very good novel.