Thursday 18 November 2010

Autumn leaves...

...was one of the many songs I sang during last saturday night's Jazz concert organized by Winery "Eleano" in the municipality of Ripcandida (Basilicata - southern Italy) accompanied by the professional Jazz Quintet, Mr. Grant's Band, and what a thrill to receive such a great response from the public!


Dina said...

Bravo! Maybe someday you will treat us to a video?

brattcat said...

Yes, a video would be wonderful. This sounds like such a delightful evening.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

...and I have heard your fine music courtesy of Ms. V! Very nice.

You have a decided talent in capturing the water scenes.

Virginia said...

Was it "Les Feulles Mortes"? I wish I could have been there to hear it D. I know it was a wonderful evening.

ElenaSC said...

Hello! I just found your blog and I really like it! I'm a young Italian living in North America and I blog about my life here, about my world!
Please pass by if you have the chance, I would love to get your comments!