Saturday 11 September 2010


Let's avoid emptying seas, lakes, rivers and ponds on an industrial scale, to feed mostly those who can afford them. It would turn against us all in the end.

My thoughts go out to all of those who lost their lives in the nine-eleven event and to those who lost their loved ones. May such horrible actions never ever happen again, and may reciprocal respect and understanding be the start of a true democracy in the years to come.


Dina said...

Amen to both of your wishes.

A fine and fun fish and people photo.

Roberto Machado Alves said...

Great post and beautiful picture.


Roger Gauthier said...

This is a beautiful photograph, Diederick! I've been away for some time, now I'm back full time, I hope, and back on your blog. Your recent photographs are quite something... :-)


Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Dina!!

Thank you too, Roberto!!

Merçi beaucoup pour tes gentils comments, Roger!
Glad to have you back again!!

Virginia said...

Lovely Diederick. You always have the right words for us.

Kris McCracken said...

That is a lovely fish!

Mandy said...

This is a lovely photo and I love both of your wishes. Let's avoid emptying the seas indeed. That really resonates with me. It reminds me so much of massacres and genocides too.