Wednesday 4 February 2009

Rollin'...rollin'....rollin' on tha ri-iveeer...

...not this beauty: our boat-café/restaurant is anchored in Arona's harbour.


Olivier said...

avec la neige, nous voila dans un conte de fée, la photo est magnifique.

with snow, we are in a fairy tale, the picture is beautiful.

Virginia said...

Have you figured out how to let us hear you really sing that tune?HA This river boat is magical, all frosted in la neige!

Kia said...

How lovely! :)

Judy said...

Great shot. Is this in black and white or was it a black and white day?

Anonymous said...

Thank you mom, Virginia, for giving us a hint as to the title. :9 Without it, I could not have understood the meaning at all. Anyway papa jokes gets over the border!! :p a nice restaurant.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you Olivier, Virginia, Kia and Jarart!!
The photo is in black and white, Jarart.

Fredrik said...

Nice boat. Do they serve good food?
Appreciate your comments on Workers Week!

Stefan Jansson said...

Not a bad place for a cup of coffee.

Ann said...

I'm enjoying your snowy winter shots. We're heading for 35 in the city and 40+ in the western suburbs this weekend.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks, Fredrik, Steffe and Ann!!
The boat used to be a dancing/disco for years and had quite a bad name for the saturdaynight drug flow. Then it remained empty for wuite some time and now, since recently, it has become a café/restaurant, after a good "face-lift". I have not yet had dinner there but will try.