Sunday 7 December 2008

She's got rhythm



Jill said...

Bn I don't know how you get these wonderful photos, but this is stunning.

Eki said...

What a stunning picture. I like the mist and the mood of this picture, D.

kengell said...

I actually gasped when I saw this photo. Breathtakingly beautiful! The rolling misty clouds are echoed by the muddled image of the ship in the gently rolling waves. Great composition.

Marie-Noyale said...

What a great title to suit perfectly your image!
Reminds me of that movie with Steve mcQueen on an Asian river..can't find its name!!

Virginia said...

Gorgeous and I think that would be a good song for you as well! :)

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Oh my gosh how lovely this is. I just want to swim there.

Sharon said...

Another stunning photo, wow.

Juana said...

Hola, hermosa foto, con bellos colores, quien no se emociona al ver algo tan precioso ??


Hope said...

This is a breathtaking image! Just beautiful! You have such an amazing talent!

Unknown said...

The water surface looks amazing! Beautiful shot!

Chuckeroon said...

Isn't the light just ideal for these shots right now. The air is calm, the sky colour/sun angle is just right, the water picks it up and co-operates. Great days for photography! But you need to wrap up.

Kris McCracken said...

A great time of day to be out on the water!

Ken Mac said...

Diederick, you have made good choices and are living the life I want to live! I see, you get up early to shoot, have great surrounding towns and vistas, are blessed with parents who share your passion and you have talent. That getting up early is where to start!

Ken Mac said...

May I ask what camera you are using? I generally use a Canon 50D but just purchased a Panasonic LX3, and it is amazing, point and shoot or not.

Benjamin Madison said...


angela said...

That shot is pure poetry..

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you for your kind comments, Jill!!

Thank you, Eki!!

That is very kind of you to say, Kengell!!

Merçi, Marie!!

I agree with you, Virginia!! I have not recorded this one yet but will!!

Thank you, Lynn!!

Thanks, Sharon!!

Grazie mille, Juana!!

Thank you for your kind comments, Hope!!

Thanks, JM!!

Thank you too, Chuckeroon!!

It is, Kris!! Thanks.

Thank, you Benjamin!!

Thanks for your comments, Ken.
We also have a wonderful crisp and bright light here close to the Alps, so that helps a lot.
I use Casio Exilim 7,2 pixle digital camera.
I am thinking of a new camera now, but this long after I have paid the bills of my son's wedding (the gets married the day after tomorrow). Then I will ask you more info about yor experience with your new camera, but, as I said, I have to wait a while!

Pepe Alcaide said...


EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful! The water is so shiny yet has rolling hills. Seems odd but lovely.

Fredrik said...

One of your best ever! Definitely a favourite!

raf said...

Beautiful capture, B of the elements with visiting craft cutting through.