Saturday 23 August 2008

At a quarter to nine this morning...

the sunlight enhanced the beauty of the two churches in the square where I live.


Unknown said...

You definatelly live at a fantastic place, with tons of history!

Suzanne said...

The yellow ochre church is beautifully preserved. Being constantly surrounded by ancient history is something I miss here in New Zealand. We are such a young country.

Jane Hards Photography said...

This reminds me of the Clock Tower in The square Nice. Mainland Europe really does have the prettiest architecture and yes when the sun hits it's even more stunning.

Julie said...

Really nice ... really nice ...

Diederick Wijmans said...

You're right, JM!!
Thanks for visiting.

You have beautiful and (I heard from my brother who travelled often to New Zealand) breathtaking nature there, Suzanne!!
Of course, having the combination of both would be the ideal surroundings to live in.

Thanks for your comments, Babooshka!!

Thanks, Julie!! When are you off to Europe?

Jerez Sherry said...

The blue blue sky is perfect background, bellisimo.

Meead said...

Cute building!

Dina said...

Outstanding! The churches really stand out in that magic light.

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Sherry!!

Thanks, Meead!!

Hi Dina!!
THank you for your comments.

Virginia said...

Late checking on you today, but glad I did. As always I enjoy your architectural photographs the very best. Lovely photograph of these two. I need to look your city up and find out where it is located in Italy.

Jill said...

I love to see the architecture of different and historic places. The colors on these are beautiful to behold.

Julie said...

Leave Sydney for London on 27 September. Train to Provence on 3 October. Train to Paris on 17 October. Arrive back in Sydney 28 October.

I had to google-map both Arona and Menton. Great resource, except they do not have backyard view as yet!

Diederick Wijmans said...

I wish you a wonderful trip, Julie!! Make photos and then share them with us upon your return.

Yes, Arona is not covered by the satellite yet, whilst other parts of this region are: a real mistery to me...