As she was recently hit by another cyclist who had made her fall, I only hope that the bruises, the streched leg muscles and my severe warnings have been sufficiently convincing to make her stick to hometraining, but I was not so sure of that twinkle in her eye when I said goodbye ...
The only Dutch city I have seen is Amsterdam. That building is fascinating, with so much character.
Your mother sounds like quite a lady - full of personality.
Thanks Suzanne!
The Hague is full of such beautiful buildings. It is amazing to think that between 1850 and the early nineteen hundreds entire streets (which means thousands of houses, if not more!)were built in the residential areas of the city during that period.
Amsterdam beats the other cities in Holland, of course, with those 17th and 18th Century canal-houses of the the wealthy and powerful middle-class of those days.
Yes, my mother is quite a character, full of energy and still works in the world of Art.
This accident has really ruined all her plans for the next few months as she intended to visit the many art-exhibitions in both The Hague and Amsterdam, theatre and concerts she wanted to attend...
She also does volunteering work for elderly people, who need to be looked after for health reasons, but that has to wait now...
I want to be like your mother when i grow up. She has my prayers from Jerusalem for a quick recovery.
Try not to worry too much.
Here is one of my favorite pics:
Thank you Dina!!
Dina, I do not seem to able to enter into your favourate pics you informed me of...
Hope your mum recovers quickly so she can go off on more adventures despite what you say.
Hope your mother is up and about and back on her bike very soon. Look forward to seeing more of your homeland.
All power to your mother. My father is 87 and he has taken the uninvolved option: after breakfast he goes back to bed. What are a few bruises ...
Thank you too, Mo, Ann and Julie for your best wishes!! This will really do her good.
I love this photo. So much detail to enjoy. The bicycles add a touch of whimsy, I think. Bless your sweet momma. I hope she continues to improve so she can return to the things she so enjoys doing. PS I think she needs to stay off that bike as well!!
Thank you, Virginia for sharing my opinion! Her mind and reactions are those of a 40 year old but her body at her age is so fragile...
OK, maybe this will be better:
Sorry, I don't know how to make a link in the comments section.
Lovely photos. Glad you are sharing that region. I had a chance to see Amsterdam for the 1st time last summer and prefered the quiet side streets & neighborhoods that looked so much like your photo. Hope you mom takes care, she sounds so spunky.
Thanks four kind comments, Tash!!
Yes, I do prefer the quiet back streets of Amsterdam too. You can find wonderful houses there!
My mother is alright now, claiming her bicycle back...
What a perfect little spot that seems -- almost not real with the pretty building and death-defying bikes parked out front. :)
I love this photo as I love your country: so so much !
Is your mom better? Reading your caption I thought to myself: words just listened (from myself to my parents) and the life continues ;-)
Beautiful city scene; another city I would enjoy to visit. I hoe your mother will recover quickly. Amazing woman, still riding bicycle! Maybe she should upgrade to a 3 wheeled bike, I seen a couple riding these bikes, looks comfortable and safe from tipping.
Thank you Cate!! Many parts of the Dutch cities and towns have this aspect. You can find 18th century houses which look like doll-houses from the outside but you would be surprised about the space inside!
Grazie per i tuoi graditissimi commenti, Fabrizio! I am glad you like Holland as well as I do. I have the pleasure in sharing both worlds whenever I like: Stunning Italy and wonderful Holland.
Thanks, my mother is getting better and more active by the day. She keeps the keys of her bike in her purse...and that nobody comes near those keys!
Thanks for your kind words, Dusty Lens!!
We have also spoken about a tricycle but she made us understood that she did not want to be seen on one in her neighbourhood. Trekking bikes are much faster and lighter to handle she mentioned. I seem to have obtained that she will use her bicycle only on quiet sunday mornings if she really wants to go riding but to use public transport during the week...
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