...Dawn slowly unveils its colours, while a soft breeze plays gently with the surface of the sea. Soon the strong sun light will turn the red-golden colour of the water into dark blue, with glistening sparkles of silver on top. A miracle that repeats itself every day but with a different mix of greens, blues, reds and yellows. If those whose only aim is to hold the reins of power tight in hand, would look up and watch how Nature so generously shares this with all of us, without making any distinction and without asking anything in return, they would understand that she does this to let our soul taste moments of total freedom which we all need to make ourselves stronger and more understanding towards our next of kin.
The Isle of Rhodes, Greece
(my 250th photo)
so wonderful
Your words and image work together to create a symphony of awe.
une photo superbe, avec des lumieres grandioses, BRAVO
Beautiful photo. Wow!
Beautiful photo and thoughts.
A stunningly beautiful photograph and just wondrous words. Superb. Can't say more. Superb.
This is an amazing post. The picture is music for the eyes and the thoughts expressed are beautiful.
Beautiful. I read about a sky phenomenon today that had been observed in Sweden lately.
I guess I will have to go look for one!
I'm going to share this with someone who is hurting right now. I think it will cheer her considerably.
Beautiful...had to say it even though everyone said the same thing. Yes, Nature shares generously and we must learn to live generously too!
Rhodes is such a beautiful place for introspection, isn't it? Very relaxing. Glad yours was named as a blog of note because I'm really enjoying your photos and thoughts. Well done. : )
purrs and love
mommy Léia and Luna(from Brazil)
“None reborn before it ends. And the sun that has to emerge twilight…”
(Vinicius de Moraes )
when do you sleep man!
So glad you are in Greece and taking time to see such things and think such thoughts.
wonderful shot !
Exquisite shot . . . and text to match! I'll be coming back for more.
Beautiful-in word and picture
Congratulaion on your 250th photo. All are amazing, I haven't reached that point yet.
Looks so peaceful and brings such an optimistic feeling for me :).
Beautiful and well said. Congratulations on your 250th.
Your thoughts here - sublime. Nature is an attentive suitor, if we should pause long enough to say hello.
Thank you all of you for your comments. I sleep about 4 hours per night, Ken!!
Lovely. Reminds me of Hope.
Photo: exceptionally wonderful
Words: exceptionally wonderful
Blog: one of the bests
Simply Gorgeous!
I love the imagery you have crafted with words, and the picture was just an icing on the cake!!!
I want to go and visit Greece!!
yes...this pic is really awesome!
Amazing photo. reminds me of a painting by one of the masters.
very nice sunset, i love it. when i can found this for my moment
Welcome back my friend! What a glorious photo and text as well. I'm enjoying your first 3 offerings. I can hardly wait for more.
PS Only four hours? Oh my!
Thank you all for your kind comments. They really give me a lot of incentive!
I love photos like this...very scenic and pretty...
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