Saturday, 24 January 2009

Another sunrise



brattcat said...

Simply, elegantly beautiful!

rob said... tornerà la primavera!!!

Anonymous said...


Virginia said...

Now I really understand why I can't ever capture the things the way you do: 1. You're a far better photographer than I am. 2. You live in one of the most beautiful places I know. 3. You are willing to get up at sunrise to capture your incredible photos while I am snoozing away! Bravo Diederick. This is another glorious sunrise in Arona!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Thank you, Brattcat!!

Grazie, Rob!! Vedrai che arriverà prima o poi.

Thank you Piyudh!!

You are too good a friend, Virginia!! Thanks.

Greg said...

A very beautiful picture

Hobart Daily
Bicheno Daily

Laurie Allee said...

This is spectacular!

Fredrik said...

So strong. Love it!

Torsdag 1952 said...

Beautiful designed monochrome shot with lots of details. Dark and hard focus in the foreground, soft and gray in the background.
Yes perfect.

abc said...

Dreamy composition, which goes very well with the dreamy laid back jazz I'm listening to right now. If you could hear it, I think you'd love the combination too.

Jilly said...

Yet another wonderful winter photograph but then so are all your photographs marvellous. So much going on in this photograph - the sunrise, the tree, the beautiful reflection, what's going on in the distance. Superb. I had to laugh at Virginia's comment.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Exquisite and again so serene.

Anonymous said...

I like this shot.

Petrea Burchard said...

You post a work of elegance and art every day. This one is no exception.

Ditto Virginia!

Anonymous said...

so beautiful!!

Pepe Alcaide said...

Magnífico el ambiente creado